lass ihn doch Armin is doch sein Bier was er macht. Aber wo er recht hat ... ! is doch so oder du heizt die anderen an und wirst dann dadurch genervt oder lässt dich von der arbeit abhalten
so is es doch
so is es doch

... und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier ...
Linux is for people who want to know why it works.
Mac is for people who don't want to know why it works.
DOS is for people who want to know why it does not work.
Windows is for people who don't want to know why it does not work.
Vielleicht können wir ja drüber reden wenn Tobor 2 fertig ist ok?
[externes Bild:]
Linux is for people who want to know why it works.
Mac is for people who don't want to know why it works.
DOS is for people who want to know why it does not work.
Windows is for people who don't want to know why it does not work.