neues Spiel; altes Prinzip

2004-06-08 20:52 #1
😉 --
[externes Bild:]
- games & progs for casio cfx-calculators
- some old games coded in QBasic
Mit Lesen dieses Beitrages haben Sie zugestimmt, dass der Autor Software auf ihrem PC deaktivieren und/oder ihren PC oder Teile davon deaktivieren oder dauerhaft funktionsunfähig machen darf 😉

  • games & progs for casio cfx-calculators
  • some old games coded in QBasic

Linux is for people who want to know why it works.
Mac is for people who don't want to know why it works.
DOS is for people who want to know why it does not work.
Windows is for people who don't want to know why it does not work.

2004-12-31 21:00 #2

(This post is missing and can not be restored)