Sorry, da dieser "Spaß" zu nem Systemcrash führten kann (zumindest wenn man nicht weiß, wie man in stoppt)
hab ich den Link entfernt. Können wir keinem User zumuten,
der evtl. nicht gespeicherte Daten auf seinem PC hat.
Don't eat clowns, they taste funny!
Life Enhancing Trivia (
Don't eat clowns, they taste funny!
Life Enhancing Trivia (
Nachdem das "You are an idiot"-Fenster geschlossen wird, öffnen sich unendlich...
Don't eat clowns, they taste funny!
Life Enhancing Trivia (
Linux is for people who want to know why it works.
Mac is for people who don't want to know why it works.
DOS is for people who want to know why it does not work.
Windows is for people who don't want to know why it does not work.
[externes Bild:]